Monday, 7 April 2014

Chia seed 'cheesecake'

Chia seed 'cheesecake' I created using a recipe I made. It is healthy and the only dairy it contains is greek yogurt and it does not contain sugar expect for some honey (if you want to add it).

Make as individual servings in jars or small bowls as the base is soft and hard to transfer from a large dish.

Each serving
2 teaspoons of almond meal
2 teaspoons of Coconut flour
2 teaspoons of Hazelnut meal
1 tablespoon Olive oil or coconut oil or enough until the ingredients all mix together without being too dry or too oily. Press down firmly.

1 Tablespoon of Coconut cream (melt first if too hard)
1 Tablespoon Coconut oil (melt first if too hard)
3 teaspoons of chia seeds
4 tablespoons of probiotic greek natural yoghurt

Add a shake or two of some cinnamon on top

Put in the fridge for 10 minutes. Enjoy.


  1. this would be lovely with some berries stirred through too.

  2. Ooh, that sounds good. I did it without berries at the moment for the no-sugar detox plan but afterwards, that sounds like a treat.
